Family Mediation
Mediation or Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is an informal process to assist parents with their post separation parenting arrangements in a confidential and non-adversarial manner.
The process of FDR enables separated parents and families to discuss and then make their own decisions about how they would like to resolve their post separation issues. These decisions can be in relation to issues concerning their children or in reaching an agreement regarding property & financial settlement.
The mediators manage the process and support parents in addressing their parenting disputes in the best interest of their children. Mediators take into account children’s individual age, temperament, developmental needs, and personalities.
Throughout the process the mediators are always future focussed, impartial and non-judgmental.
Mediation is a non- legal process where the parents are the decision makers.
Compared with the court process, FDR is
- less expensive
- quicker
- more informal and
- less stressful
The Mediation Process:
- Each party has a separate initial and confidential assessment with the mediator. In these separate initial meetings the mediator will explain the process, listen to each party’s view and perspective, ensure that each party feels comfortable working with the mediator and that the process is appropriate to proceed.
- If appropriate to proceed, a joint mediation session then follows.
Any agreements reached in mediation are non- legal goodwill agreements that can be converted into a parenting plan or a legally enforceable Consent Order.
In the event that a mediation does not proceed or result in an agreement, The Mediation Team can issue a Section 60I certificate to either or both parties which will enable the parties to proceed into the court process.